dialog_s-16_At The Doctor's Office
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A: Your name please?
B: John Smith.
A: And your address?
B: I live in the Palace Hotel.
B: Please wait a moment.
B: Please come in.
B: What seems to be the problem?
B: I haven't felt well for some time. My throat hurts.
B: Do you have any other symptoms?
B: I have a headache often.
B: Any fever?
B: I don't think so.
B: How is your appetite?
B: I haven't felt like eating for several days.
B: Open your mouth wide, please. Yes, there is some inflamation.
B: Is it serious?
B: No, try to rest as much as possible.
B: Do you want me to take any medicine?
B: Yes, I am going to give you a prescription. Here you are.